Star Crush ♥


1. PEETA. I'm reading Catching Fire (the second book of Hunger Games trilogy) right now. I definitely choose Peeta than Gale! He simply love Katniss and everything he does is to protect and support her. Soo jealous to be Katniss.

2. JAKE in Glee. Simply love him since his first appereance. He is different and his voice is amazing! I hope Jarley are also a couple in the real life, but sadly Melissa choose Blake.

3. My another Glee crush is probably BLAINE. Especially when he sang Teenage Dream and Against All Odds with piano. It was so sincere and emotional.

4. CHA TAE HYUN. I'm watching Korean variety show 2daysand1night. He is not young, he even already has 2 children! but he is such a super father type guy. He loves his family so much and takes care of his children. His wife is his first love! How sweet is that ><

This list is so fun to make!


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